Prep ½ hour |
Cooking time 2-2½ hrs |
4 people |
Top of the morning to you, one and all.
A good old fashioned Irish Stew is on the menu today, because the weather here on the East Coast of Africa is overcast and a soft drizzly rain has crept in over the hill opposite my kitchen, the mist is hanging I thought this would be the right time to do an old favorite of mine, a genuine Irish Stew loaded with succulent cubed stewing lamb and a variety of fresh veggies.
There are so many recipes for cooking this stew floating around, but this one is my favorite because it comes from my late Mother's recipe book. So.... I invite all my fellow amateur chefs to join me in making this tried and tested stew from the Emerald Isle.
In the early 18 hundreds the Irish used a cast iron pot hung over an open flame by a chain for cooking and used to shorten or lengthen the chain to adjust the heat temp. Today I will be using the same type of pot but I will be doing this on gas. |
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Gather all ingredients as listed below and wait for it "lets start A......Cooking" (I just love saying this).
And a gentle reminder, please take utmost care when removing the lid to your cast iron pot as it gets extremely hot and I would hate any of you to get burnt before you can even taste the fruits of your labour. ALWAY USE GLOVES!
For the very Best Irish Stew seasoned with Thyme |
For a scrumptious side Dish of Cabbage, Onions and peas |
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For the Stew |
For the Cabbage and Onions |
Our traditional stew from Ireland and the cabbage, onion and pea side dish is just waiting to be plated.
But before we do this me thinks it time to sip on a "wee" refreshment to warm the cockles of your heart then rally the troups and get ready to tuck into this hearty meal.
The Ballad of the Irish Stew Recipe "For all sorts of stomachs there are dainties, |
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With any fresh bread or rolls.
There are many ways of serving Stew, the one I prefer the most is serving it into a large soup dish and eating it with a lovely fresh crispy bread roll.
But you choose:
Hope you enjoyed cooking this meal with me as much as what I did and till be we "meat" again
The Kitchen can be a very dangerous place, do not allow kids to try their hand at cooking without the correct supervision.
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