Home Cooking Haven 

Every single one of us here at Home Cooking Haven.com simply love cooking, we love simple recipes, we love healthy recipes and we love nothing more than been able to share these recipes with each and every one of you.

Welcome, welcome, welcome....... one and all to Home Cooking Haven.com and this is what you have to know about us right from the start .....   we are not hoity-toity, we do not offer "fine dining",  and we are not master chef's, BUT we do have a great selection of genuine home researched, and home tasted delicious recipes.

This website is for:

  • those of us who have to cook every night, who cannot afford eating out or buying takeouts.
  • those of us who have to cook for kids, and often the friends of our kids.

  • those of us who have to cook meals for one person only, sad but true.
  •  those of us that are pensioners.
  •  those who are on a strict  budget , and sometimes have to entertain on that budget.

What to expect from Home Cooking Haven?

Not only are we going to dish you up these  simple recipes, but we are also going to tell you what the ingredients are good for, and in some instances, what you should not be eating because of certain ailments that will be aggravated by eating these foods.

Some of us may be able to afford "fine dining", some of us enjoy the Hamburger joints, but to enjoy a home cooked meal is something every single human being on this planet should have access to.

We believe that these recipes are to help those of us who have had a long long day at work, are tired, and don't have a clue what to cook.

We also know that most of these ingredients could be in our pantry's or perhaps even grown in our gardens, so you would not have to run off to the shop to buy "stuff" for a meal and then not use it again in months.

Our ultimate aim is that you have fun, you enjoy doing it, it is economical and you will pass them onto everyone you know, "Tom, Dick and Harry" and all their relations,  because you have enjoyed these meal thoroughly.

We would value your feedback, even recipes that you think we should add to this website,

All YOUR very own tried and tested ones,  that you know work for you and can work for the rest of us, keeping in mind that this website is for simple economical meals, to help us all make our day- to- day cooking an enjoyable experience rather than a bind.

Happy Cooking!

This article was printed from Home-Cooking-Haven.com.com

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